There is a forum 'FAQ' (Frequently Asked Questions) page in the 'Welcome to the Community' forum covering various registration / user issues. It's here:
If you have any further problems which you need to contact us about, but can't log in to post in here (we've had to turn off anonymous...
I know yesterday (13th March) was the first time a new PSB track had been played in ages, but (as per the long standing forum rules) in future all public requests for copies of any new track, PSB or otherwise, will be deleted and/or threads containing requests closed. We will officially...
A quick update on why the forum has been inaccessible over the past 24 hours. Apparently, we have experienced a DDoS attack. A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network by overwhelming the...
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Again .....
this time a AI crawler from China, who was crawling massive the forum with the result, that HostEurope did shutdown all of my websites again to save other neighbor webpacks, until all affected Chinese IP-Ranges were banned.
Why are we okay with uploads of magazine pages, but we can't share uploaded music files?
It's the same thing. It's still copyright infringement.
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Probably because there are more investigations on public sharing of music files, than sharing of copyrighted stuff from magazines.
But yes, you're right - as soon as someone (official) would come up on that, I'm afraid we have to remove this.
Over the years I've often thought something missing here is Like buttons.
Just because so many posts are good, but there is no way to respond really beyond making a reply - which is overkill and noise in most cases.
Don't want to create unnecessary work for someone,...
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changed somethings on this extention and now it looks like it's working the way everyone expected... Let's watch this a few days.
I logged out and in again and then cleared all caches, but to me the thumb up button is still only visible in posts here in the Board index -> Administration ->...
Been a member of forums since they first appeared but this one's a tough intro with this slightly OTT approval process for any reply. Makes it very difficult to join in a conversation when my replies take 12 hours to be approved and by then there's another 2 pages of replies.
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I agree, it feels really useless to post something nobody will read. Or to comment on something nobody will get in time.
It discourages you to post, and it's a vicious circle. You don't post because your posts are useless, and that actually delays your chance for posting and that matters.
I couldn't find any working way.
1. I'm not allowed to send private messages for some reason, and actually the topic of my request relates to that, (when will I be able to do it since I want to talk with somebody on the buy/sell forum and can't do it)
2. There are no email addresses on the Forum...
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Yes, as long as you are new with a post count under 10 posts, you don't have a full working private message box. Thats how admins have setup the forum.
Email addresses to write the admins is Looks like this is a bug, that you getting this @ Sign only. We have...
If you’re reading this, please can you email at as I cannot send or receive messages on the forum.
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correct! Thats how the intern mail service is working... You see mails in your outbox, as long as the receiver didn't open them (in his inbox). As soon as s/he did this, the messages will dissappear in your outbox (moved in sent) and so you can be sure the messages were read.
Can anyone help me with any ideas on how to delete this account. I've been messaging StevePSB, Drico One, Administrator, and somebody called Gardener or something similar but not heard back.
I'm aware I could just not log in again and I'm aware that my posts will all still show, but I'd...
I joined on Monday have posted every day since then (about 9 posts) but my posts are still having to go through the Moderator before being released into the chat, and then disappearing somewhere back in the chat.
Would you be able to give me some indication of when I might expect to be...
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As mentioned in a thread below this one, it's only a handul of posts.
This topic is just to clarify if someone from Russia have problems accessing the forum... Just wanna know, if is (or will be) blocked by Russian government.
So if anybody from Russia just could pop in here with a Hello or Confirm or accessable . Thanks!
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We are likely to have a new Iron Curtain. As long as they don't cut off the Internet. No one knows what will happen next.
After the (dark) WoWDraenor style reached his End-of-life status (wasn't updated anymore over the last couple of years) we now have a dark/light-mode switch at the top right side.
Really small niggle but I used to hit the top banner on any page to take me back to the forum homepage and the link was removed some time ago. If it's easy, any chance of having that link back please?
None of my PMs send any more, they just sit in my Outbox. Can someone fix this? Been a good year.
- Might be easier to set up a new account and delete this one?
- Anyone else had issues please?
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The DELETE function should work again. I fixed the problem in the last weeks.
Hello there,
I've noticed some problems with the searchbox at the right top of the page. I can enter text, but the text doesn't show up. If I hit the Search button, the search will be executed as usual, but the text inside the box remains invisible.
I've used subsilver and subsilver3 as theme, on...
I got the following message from my webbrowser when I was accessing the site:
Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead
Firefox detected an issue and did not continue to The website is either misconfigured or your computer clock is set to the wrong time.
Hello! Hope you are well. :D Please would it be at all possible if you could move posts from Scienceguy to the off topic section on here please? Since Scienceguy joined he has upset quite a few member's on here. (Please look at the posts and you will see). The posts/topics are not really anything...
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done! Topic moved under offtopic discussion without a shadow link in the main forum.
this may be a strange question, but i've had a couple of questions whereby i've sent a PM reply to a couple of people interested in some of my vinyl for sale. the problem is they show in my outbox ... does this mean they haven't been sent ? or just not read by...
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I think if the message is in your outbox then it means it's not yet been read by the recipient
As long as a pm is unread by the recipient, it depends in the Outbox folder. Has the recipient read the message - it appears under Sent
hi can you pm re account,ive lost password
username was joepsb
email would have been or
both are now closed
Hello are there any MODS here? I can’t seem to send private messages to anyone. Every one I send just sits in my outbox and never sends? What do I need to do? I’ve tried deleting old messages too!!
Any help appreciated
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I’m still getting the same issue. I managed to receive 2 messages and I sent 2 messages but now all my messages are being kept in Outbox again.
I have deleted almost everything out of inbox and Sent items!
the messages in the outbox are there as long as they were read by the recipient. I...
Hello are there any MODS here? I can’t seem to send private messages to anyone. Every one I send just sits in my outbox and never sends? What do I need to do?
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Hey Drico!
Yeah I’ve tried deleting old ones - maybe I need to delete more! I’ll re-post in Support!
I often use Active Topics , assuming it will list all updated topics in sections I have access to within the allocated period... but it doesn't seem to be working.
I put a topic in the For Sale / Wanted section about an Axis promo CD-R that's currently on eBay, but it's not showing up...
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Then it should be working fine. Wonder if thats a temporary problem, which should befixed with the next phpBB update.
Sorry, Mods and fans. Please could you possibly delete my Testing post on the photos section on here please? I tried to make another picture avatar. (Spelt that right this time Drico!) :wink: But, it is too big and beyond me now. :?
I can’t take it any more. When is someone going to fix the f***ing forum quoting so it works when you’re not logged in! It’s been broken for months. Just what is the problem?
Hello! There are speech bubbles all over every ones replies if you don't log in and my favourite items - the smilies have nearly all gone. So, you cannot post hardly any. - I miss them.
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I noticed them too after I logged in a couple of weeks ago. I hadn’t been on for a few months and they have since appeared. Nobody seems to have mentioned why......... very annoying!
Wow, that was surreal! For 24 hours when I clicked to come to this site it was either access forbidden or redirected to a German classical music site!?! Back to normal now, but hey - I saw some serious classical German CDs.
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What Have I Done to Deserve this? Glad its Fixed SUPER :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Hi, I can’t seem to reply in this post I created for my PSB radio special. I wanted to thank people for their suggestions etc. I also wanted to see if we could have an admin available to monitor and upload posts quickly for me so I can use the forum live on air, I will give the forum a big push to...
If I delete my account do all my posts disappear? Do all I have to do is state down here in support that I want it closed?
Let me know, thanks.
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If you are taking this forum seriously, then you need to go. Good luck with your life! I'm sure we will see you in another incarnation in the future. Ciao!
I just had a warning from Avast when I came onto the forum. This was the first bookmark I clicked on since starting the browser so I'm pretty sure it hasn't come from elsewhere. Worth looking at Steffen ?
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Strange thing! But there couldn't be somethings on the webspace or with the domain, otherwise HostEurope already had given me a warning or shut down all my pages!
But wonder about This domain is registered in CZ and pointing to Pet Shop Boys Technology webpage!
as the topic header said already: your browsers will auto change the forum connection to https from now!
All things you're doing here are now secure, like it is when you trying to access your bank account or somethings similar (e.g. PayPal)!
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Both seem to be working! The redirect is working for sure, I removed my cookies and that seemed to do the trick. Thanks!
By the way I have a blog e I would like to place it there too. What's the source code?
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The lamps scared the bugger out of me! I was (background music) DJing whilst browsing the site when, SMASH CRASH POP!!! I wondered what the the hell was going on!
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